Transcriber and the command line

Transcriber and the command line


Transcriber can be used in the command line either to launch it with special options or to use it to convert TRS Transcriber files in some other format.

Lauching Transcriber (Linux)

Since release 1.5.2, there is 2 ways to launch Transcriber in the command line


that launch Transcriber in the standard input mode


that launch Transcriber in the Arabic input support mode.

Enabling options

The general syntax to enable options is:

    trans -option filename(s)

filename(s) may be either a transcription, a signal file or both.

If several signal files are given, the multiwav mode is activated.

The different options are given in the table hereunder:

Command Description
-debug Add debug options in the help menu
-h/-help Display message help, then exit
-noshape Disable signal shape mechanism (signal display will be slower)
-lbl/-label filename Display labels under the signal view (for exemple to align a CTM with a TRS).
Ex: trans file.trs -label file.ctm
This command can also be executed from the Transcriber menu:
[File] / [Open segmentation file...]
-notext Disable display of text editor
-patch filename Execute tcl script filename at startup (usefull for patching)
-set option value Override an option of the configuation file (transcriber1.5/etc/default.txt).
Example: trans -set list,ext .spkmat
-sig2 Enable display of second signal view
-socket Enable Transcriber to be synchronized with an external application. In that case, Transcriber executes the commands sent by the application
-v/-version Display version, then exit

Converting TRS transcriptions

The general syntax to convert files is:

    trans -export format filename(s)

It converts a set of TRS transcription files into the format given, if it exists.

The list of supported format is:

      • stm,

      • typ,

      • text,

      • lbl,

      • cha,

      • and html.